Everything You Need To Know About Laser Hair Removal

We may have fallen behind on the whole flying cars idea envisioned by starry-eyed sci-fi writers, but technology has advanced in some pretty significant ways, especially in the aesthetics industry. One of the biggest advancements of the last few decades is laser hair removal. 

It’s fair to say laser hair removal has revolutionized the aesthetics world for good, offering a much-preferred alternative to older hair removal methods—but is this treatment for you?

This guide will cover all the basics you need to know about laser hair removal, including how it works, who it’s for, and much more.

When you’re ready to commit to a frontier-leading laser hair removal treatment by a physician-led team, South Jersey Aesthetics in Gibbsboro and Cape May Court House is ready to deliver the results you’re looking for.

Laser Hair Removal Explained

As it sounds, laser hair removal is a procedure that uses laser energy to remove body hair. 

Unlike most natural forms of light, which contain wavelengths representing all colors, laser light forms a narrow, monochromatic beam that makes it very useful for many aesthetic and medical procedures, industrial applications, and more. 

As for this particular procedure, our team at South Jersey Aesthetics performs it as follows: 

  • Laser light is focused onto the target area
  • The light is absorbed by pigment in the hair follicles, resulting in significant damage to the follicle
  • With repeat treatments, the result is a lasting reduction in unwanted hair 

The resulting reduction in hair can vary considerably on a case-by-case basis and may take several treatments to achieve, as the hair has to be targeted while it is in the active growth cycle. We recommend starting with four to eight sessions for the best possible results.

Laser hair removal is relatively quick and comfortable, depending on the area being treated. It also eliminates the need to shave, wax or pluck and won’t cause side effects like ingrown hairs! 

Laser Hair Removal Versus Other Methods

Laser hair removal is popular for reducing unwanted hair, and for good reason. The hassle of shaving, waxing and plucking (not to mention depilatory creams) leaves many people frustrated with lackluster results that only last a few weeks at most.  

Here’s a brief overview of older hair removal methods, including why laser hair removal is just plain better:

Waxing: As it turns out, shellacking a patch of skin in sticky cream and ripping the hair out strip by strip is quite painful. In addition to being more uncomfortable than laser hair removal, waxing generally does not last nearly as long in terms of hair regrowth prevention.

Plucking: Manually removing a hair with tweezers may be less painful than waxing, but keep in mind that you’re removing one hair at a time. Not to mention, plucking can cause hyperpigmentation, ingrown hairs, and inflammation of the follicles. Laser hair removal side steps most, if not all, of these issues. 

Shaving: While considerably less medieval in its execution, shaving is obviously not a 100% effective or long-lasting deterrent to hair growth. Laser hair removal is the perfect answer to both of these issues, completely eliminating hair and keeping it at bay for much longer. 

How Can Laser Hair Removal Be Customized?

In most cases, your provider can adjust the parameters of treatment to accommodate several factors unique to each person, including hair type, skin type, and skin sensitivity.

Depending on the treatment area, some people prefer to have the appearance of hair minimized, but not completely eliminated. Your provider can use a number of approaches, depending on the situation, to strategically thin out hair without completely removing it all.

Speaking of treatment areas, laser hair removal is highly flexible in terms of where it can be applied, such as the arms, face, torso, legs, bikini area, and more.

Regardless of how you are presenting and what your preferences are, our team at South Jersey Aesthetics in Cape May Court House is here to deliver the exact experience you’re looking for. 

Who Is Eligible for Laser Hair Removal?

As a generally well-tolerated, noninvasive procedure, laser hair removal is safe and effective for most men and women. However, there are still various precautions and contraindications to consider, ranging from medications that cause skin sensitivity and more. 

Here’s a non-exhaustive list of some of the most commonly occurring issues that may affect your eligibility for laser hair removal treatment:


  • Medications or treatments that cause photosensitivity
  • Herpes
  • Tattoos
  • Pregnancy
  • Some skin infections
  • A tan or sunburn

It’s also important to note that treatment may be less effective for those with darker skin tones, as laser hair removal works by targeting the pigment in your hair follicles. This pigment can be harder to distinguish when there is more melanin present in the surrounding skin.

Laser Hair Removal Prep and Aftercare Best Practices 

Before the procedure, it’s important to keep the skin protected from the sun, as well as any products that may irritate the skin.

Shaving the hair down will also help the laser work more efficiently.

Otherwise, the general prescription for healthy skin (nutrition, hydration, etc.) always applies.

As for the aftercare scenario, there is plenty of overlap: limit sun exposure and irritating products. 

Minimize heat treatments and stress to the area, such as scratching, rubbing or applying pressure. If you notice swelling and sensitivity, ice is often all that is required to resolve these issues.

Achieve Game-Changing Results With South Jersey Aesthetics Laser Hair Removal

Dr. Dan Francis and the rest of our team at South Jersey Aesthetics are here to provide you with a personalized, confidence-boosting laser hair removal experience you’ll never forget.

Proudly serving Camden County, Hamilton, Somers Point,  Upper Township, and other areas throughout South Jersey, we pride ourselves on delivering transformative results with a patient-centered approach.

When you’re ready to commit to professional laser hair removal, contact us online or call us at (856) 681-9263 to schedule a consultation. See you soon!

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